+31 6 81881070 info@haian.nl


If you belong to one of our target groups, you can contact us for any help. Our social worker / staff can help you with many things, but also we build a bridge between your needs and the services that exist for your problems or questions. Examples of assistance are:


·     HaiAn_Hulp-Relaties-iconI have problems with my partner.
·      I want to divorce.
·      I have problems with my parents, my children or my colleagues.
·     My partner physically abuses me and / or my child (ren).
·      I feel lonely.
·      I have conflicts with someone in my environment, but I cannot solve it myself.
·     Etc.


Identity and Assertiveness

·      I often feel insufficient.HaiAn_Hulp-Identiteit-icon
·      I often do not dare to speak up what I want.
·     People are mean to me, but I do not know how to react.
·     Etc.






  • I feel sick, but I do not know where to go for help.
  • I fall pregnant unwillingly.
  • I sleep badly, feel extremely tired, have headache and stomach pain at the same time, what now?
  • I want to have tests (cervical cancer, colon cancer, etc.) done, but I still have questions about it.
  • I do not feel like living anymore.
  • I do not want to have contacts with anyone anymore.
  • I sleep poorly and / or always think about certain events.
  • I have lost a loved one and since then my life is no longer the same.
  • I have been an eyewitness to an accident or a serious offense.
  • Etc.
Labour Relations

·     The place where I work is about to close down and I become unemployed
·      I want a job in a completely different sector
·      I am afraid of becoming unemployed and am doing more and more things that are not in the contract.
·      I want to learn how to apply for new jobs
·     Etc.


  • My workplace has to close down or my company goes bankrupt.
  • I want to start a business, what should I arrange?
  • I have difficulties finding a good accountant.
  • I want to pay taxes, but I do not know how.
  • I do not understand letters from the tax authorities.
  • What is ‘good entrepreneurship’ according to Dutch standards? (for example, what are the legal requirements for you and your company?)
  • Etc

  • I have (a lot of) debts.
  • My income is not enough to support my living
  • I cannot manage my money very well.
  • I do not know when or where I can / may apply for a benefit.
  • Etc







  • I am (almost) kicked out from my house.
  • I am homeless.
  • I live in a crowded place where many people sleep in the same room.
  • I do not know how and where I can search for accommodation.
  • Etc.

  • I do not understand letters in Dutch
  • I do not know how to fill in a (application) form.
  • I want to apply for rent or health subsidies, but I do not know how to do this.
  • I have problems with service providers and institutions.
  • Etc.
Health Care


  • I do not have a health insurance, but I have to go to the doctor.
  • I have to take care of a family member who is ill or disabled and I want help with that (check link mantelzorg.info and handeninhuis.nl).
  • I am a single parent and want help (check link 1ouder.nl)


Free Time


  • I do not know what to do when I am free.
  • I drink a lot of alcohol when I am free.
  • I go to the casino every day / week or like to sit behind the gambling machines, but this is not what I want
  • I like drawing but I do not know where I can join affordable lessons.
  • I have a hobby, but I do not know how I can practise it in the Netherlands.
  • Etc.
Rights and Responsibilities

·      I want to claim social benefits, but I do not know how.

·     My children have reached compulsory school age, which school can they go to?

·      I feel that I have been discriminated against, can I file a complaint? (check links below)
·      I want to make an objection to a decision from an authority, but I do not know how.
·      I am staying illegally in the Netherlands, what rights do I have?
·     My boss pays me a lot less salary than my colleagues, what can I do?
·     Etc.

1 Politie.nl > Discriminatie

2 Politie.nl > Aangifte of melding doen


  • I want to learn Dutch, but I do not know where I can take (free) lessons.
  • I want to learn to use the computer, but I do not know where.
  • I want to learn something else and want more information.
  • Etc.

If you have questions other than what was mentioned above, feel free to contact us.