+31 6 81881070 info@haian.nl


1. Chinese Social Services in The Hague

• If you require help from Hai An Haags Welzijn, you can contact our social workers/staff during office hours from Tuesday to Thursday.

Walk-in consultation (appointment is not necessary):
Wednesday and Thursday 10: 00 -14: 00 hours, Stichting De Chinese Brug, Zuidwal 94

Outside the walk-in consultation hours, you can chat with us via our website, call to make an appointment on 06 81 88 10 70 or 06 13 24 76 84, send an e-mail to info@haian.nl. 

• There is a Chinese psychologist Yuan Jing in The Hague who can help you (in the Chinese language) in various matters, such as:

– depression
– grieving processing
– phobias and fears
– studies-related problems and stress
– work-related stress problems
– intercultural adjustment problems
– (intercultural) relationships and / or family problems
– identity problems
– negative self-image
– assertiveness problems

Check out Yuan Jing website for more information

• Chinese elderly in The Hague can receive help from a Chinese social worker Lau Kwok Hung. You can read more about this on Stichting De Chinese Brug website. He is present there every Tuesday. For an appointment with him you can call on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 10.30 – 17.00 to 06-81688712. You can also send an email to K.Lau@voorwelzijn.nl

• The Stiching Chinese Brug also offers other types of help and activities. Look for more information on their website or call 070-3616689.


2. Crisis Situation

• In the event of an acute health situation that can not wait until the next working day, call the The Hague GP 070 – 346 9669

• If you need immediate assistance with violence by your partner, you can call Wende Foundation 070 – 392 57 74 or Veilig Thuis Haaglanden 070-3469717 and 0800-2000. 0800-2000 is free and available 24/7.

• If your life is at risk, you call the police via 112.

• If you have been drugged and taken to a place where you do not know, speak to someone and ask for help before it is too late. The police can also help you. Many victims of organ trafficking and (sexual or labor) exploitation have been sold in this way.


3. The Duty of Confidentiality of Social Service Providers

Social service providers in the Netherlands have a “duty of confidentiality”. This means that they are not allowed to provide information about you to your family and others unless you give them permission to do so.

Sometimes several organisations need to work together to get optimal help and support for you. It is necessary for them to provide the necessary information about you when working together. The organisation that guides you will then ask you to complete a “Consent Form” and sign it.

If you are a danger to yourself or your environment, social service providers must report this and the duty of confidentiality does not apply in this situation, however, this is usually discussed with you in advance.


4. Population Health Examination

If you have health concerns, do not wait until you receive an invitation. Go directly to your doctor!

If you should receive an invitation, but have not received it yet, contact the screening organisation in the South West region! The Hague is part of the South West region.

Cervical cancer
All women aged between 30 and 60 receive an automatic invitation from their GP every five years for the cervical cancer screening program. If you do not receive this invitation, you can contact the South West screening organisation if you live in the The Hague region.

Breast cancer
All women aged between 50 and 75 receive an invitation for the breast cancer screening program every two years. The examinations are carried out by the screening organisation.

Colon cancer
All men and women aged between 55 and 75 receive an invitation to the Dutch colon cancer screening program every two years. These studies are also carried out by the screening organisation. The Hague is part of the South West region.


6. Illegaal: rechten en plichten

As a migrant without a residence permit (‘undocumented’) you can read about your rights and obligations on the website of National Undocumented Support Center Foundation (Stiching LOS). For example, you are not allowed to work as an undocumented person in the Netherlands. If you work, it is seen as “black work” or “unregistered work”. Yet you have:

➢Right to minimum wage
➢Right to holiday allowance
➢Right to good and safe working conditions
➢Right to continued payment in the event of illness
➢16 weeks of maternity leave.

Stiching LOS also has various projects for undocumented people. If you do not understand the information here, contact us via the (anonymous) online chat or leave a message. We will explain this information to you.


6. Chinese Religious Organisations in The Hague

There are a number of churches in The Hague where the church service is conducted in Chinese:
OBS de Notenkraker, Eksterhof 2, 2496 HS The Hague. The church service is every Sunday between 10: 00 – 12: 00.
Chinese Christian Church in the Netherlands Zoutkeetsingel 112, 2512 HR The Hague.
Christian Evangelical Mission International (CEMI), Isingstraat 165A, 2522 JS The Hague. 

7. Gambling

You may gamble out of boredom, due to the lack of hobbies or because you think it is nothing serious. However, when does it become serious?
– If gambling keeps occupying your thoughts and behaviours
– If you are playing behind the slot machine or in the casino all the time and forget about the time
– You always increase the amount you bet
– You are only busy with gambling and forget everyone and everything around you
– You want to stop, but you can not, because something in you says you have to continue
– You want to reclaim your lost money again and again
– You lie about gambling to your family or relatives
– You steal at home or at work to pay for gambling
– Nothing is more important than quickly finishing everything to be able to gamble again
– You have debts through gambling
– You must close or sell your business to pay gambling debts
– Creditors blackmail you or mistreat you or your family members

Why is it bad?
– You have money problems
– You neglect everything and everyone around you: husband/wife, children, parents, friends, studies, work, company, etc.
– You do not feel good: guilty, fear, sadness
– You and possibly your family will be evacuated from the house, because you can no longer pay the rent / mortgage
– You borrow money with high interest rates and the creditors not only hassle you if you do not pay, but also your family

What kind of help can you get?
In The Hague you can go to various organisations for help with gambling addiction. One of these organisations is Brijder. You can also get anonymous online help with this organisation, for example:
– Practical matters: help to sort out your affairs
– Learning to ban “gambling” from your life
If you have any questions, please contact Brijder first.


8. It is No Longer Safe to be at Home

Quarrel every day; you or your child is beaten, insulted, you always want to flee from home, but do not know where to go; You are afraid, you feel miserable and you are less and less happy with yourself; Your husband or wife always forces you to do things that you do not want to do.

As a resident of the The Hague region you can call for assistance to Stichting Wende in The Hague 0703925774 or to Veilig Thuis Haaglanden 0703469717 or 0800-2000. Veilig Thuis Haaglanden works in the municipalities of The Hague, Delft, Rijswijk, Leidschendam-Voorburg, Zoetermeer, Wassenaar, Westland, Midden-Delfland, Pijnacker-Nootdorp.


11. Arbeidsongeval en beroepsziekte

Bent u slachtoffer van een arbeidsongeval of beroepsziekte?

In Nederland werken ongeveer 7 miljoen werknemers bij ca. 350.000 bedrijven. Jaarlijks krijgen meer dan 200.000 werknemers een arbeidsongeval waarbij sprake is van fysiek of geestelijk letsel. In overige gevallen dient de werkgever de schade te vergoeden. Het is dan niet van belang of het slachtoffer bij de werkgever in dienst is, een tijdelijk contract heeft of via een uitzendbureau werkt. Bijna alle Nederlandse werkgevers zijn voor arbeids-ongevallen en beroepsziekten verzekerd.

Wat kunt u na het ongeluk doen?
·      Schrijf zoveel mogelijk informatie op, zoals de omstandigheden van het incident, de naam van de getuige en het telefoonnummer
·      Maak een foto van de plaats van het ongeval met uw mobiele telefoon
·      Alarm 112 indien nodig
·      Zorg dat de werkgever de arbeidsinspectie belt
·      Raadpleeg zo spoedig mogelijk een arts of specialist

Waar kunt u om hulp vragen?
ArboRechtsbijstand.nl is een onafhankelijke organisatie die de belangen behartigt van slachtoffers van arbeidsongevallen en beroepsziekten. ArboRechtsbijstand.nl helpt bij het claimen van uw schade door deskundige juridische bijstand te verlenen.

Neem snel actie!
Naarmate de tijd verstrijkt wordt het moeilijker vast te stellen en te bewijzen hoe een arbeidsongeval of beroepsziekte precies is ontstaan. Ook verjaart een claim tot schadevergoeding na enkele jaren of is de werkgever niet meer te achterhalen.

Voor meer informatie, kijk op www.arborechtsbijstand.nl of neem contact op met 0800 – 272 6252; info@arborechtsbijstand.nl