+31 6 81881070 info@haian.nl

Frequently asked questions

Do I have to pay for the services from Haags Welzijn?

No. All services from Hai An Haags Welzijn are free.

If I do not speak Dutch, can I also contact Hai An Haags Welzijn in Chinese or in another languages?

Yes, please feel free to contact us even if you do not speak Dutch. Other than Dutch, our social workers / staff speak Mandarin, Cantonese, Taiwanese, English, Vietnamese, Malay/Indonesian.

If I stay in the Netherlands illegally and I contact Hai An Haags Welzijn, does this have negative consequences for me?

No. You can always (anonymously) contact us. We cannot take further actions without your permission. Our staff has a duty of confidentiality. Even if we know who you are, we are not allowed to pass anything on unless you give us your permission.

I work illegally, can I get help?

Yes. You can always receive free information and advice. If you are treated unfairly at your work and you want to change your situation, we can also assist you in the whole process.

I want to learn Dutch. Where can I do this and what are the costs?

There are organisations in the Hague that offer Dutch lessons for free or at an attractive price. Contact us (anonymously) for information about the organisation that best suits your situation.