+31 6 81881070 info@haian.nl

Consultations by Appointment

Every Wednesday 10am to 2pm

Address: Zuidwal 94, Den Haag

For questions or appointments, please call: 06 8188 1070 (The Hague) and 06 82715951 (Zoetermeer/ Gouda)

Confidential and Considerate

海安 Haags Welzijn


Haags Welzijn is a non-governmental, non-profit organisation that provides free advice and support to Chinese and Asian labour migrants in the Hague region.

The Hague region is comprised of Delft, Gouda, Leiden and Zoetermeer.

You are welcome to contact us if you require assistance or advice.

Haags Welzijn works with many organisations in the Hague region and we will try our best to refer you to the appropriate organisations if we are not able to resolve your problems within our organisation. We also assist undocumented workers.

Other than Dutch, our social workers/staff also speak Mandarin, Cantonese, English and Indonesian.

Important changes in 2022

Here are the new rules and regulations which come into effect in 2022. The minimum wage is going up from €1,701 to €1,725 per month for those 21 years old and older. The new government has pledged to increase the minimum wage

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Being an au pair in Amsterdam

Every year many foreigners find au pair work in Amsterdam or the Netherlands, however, Dutch au pair agencies have been scrutinized due to reports of exploitation. Every year, thousands of young Asian women find au pair work in the Netherlands.

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