+31 6 81881070 info@haian.nl

An Interview with Ms Hu

Haian: Why did you come to work in the Netherlands?

Ms. Hu: I am a single mother. After my divorce, I became penniless, had no place to live and was jobless. Out of desperation, I decided to come to the Netherlands to find a job. At that time I paid 15,500 euros for the travel costs. It also took me a long time before I got all paperwork approved. Since I was relatively young when I first came here, I quickly secured a job.

Haian: Do you know many Chinese friends who want to work in the Netherlands?

Ms. Hu: In China, if you have the ability to support your life, it is not advisable to take this path. For people with normal economic conditions, illegal work abroad is not the best option.

Haian: Why is that?

Ms. Hu: Because this is an unfamiliar environment to you, you have language barrier and you may face various kinds of discrimination. Also you can’t live an open life and you are always an outsider.

Haian: Then why did you decide to stay?

Ms. Hu: After being here for a while, I have adapted to my new life here. I really like the environment here. The Dutch climate is also good for my health. The pace of life is slower and the way of life is simpler. For my age in China, I have to deal with complicated interpersonal relationships at work as Chinese workplace can be extremely competitive. With my straight-forward character, I wont be very popular there. Working in the Netherlands, whether it is the boss or the employee, you will be remunerated fairly for your labour. In China, it seems that the harder you work, the less reward you get. Also, the money you earn is not even enough to live.

Haian: Do you have any dreams?

Ms. Hu: My dream is that one day I can live here openly. I can also go back to China and see my family.

Haian: I hope your dreams will come true.

Ms. Hu: This is a small goal of life that I can work hard for. You work hard for the kind of life you want to live and try to reach your goal as quickly as possible. In fact, this is a process of enjoyment. When you achieve this goal and you look back what you have done, you will feel so happy and that all hard work would be worthwhile. It could just be a small goal but after the hardship you have endured and effort you have put in, it becomes the capital that you can brag with others in the future. When you only have a smooth ride in life and you have never experienced any troubles, you will look back later and think that your life is dull.

Haian: What advise do you have for those who feel that they have come to a dead end in life?

Ms. Hu: While working hard towards your goals, it is normal to encounter difficulties, but if you pull a long face everyday, you will not have any developments. On the contrary, if you are optimistic when dealing with this matter, maybe your mentality will change. When the mentality changes, you start to think quietly how to solve this problem by analysing the first step and second steps to take. Then slowly but surely, you resolve the problem. For example, if you see a knot, don’t try to tear it apart, and pull it as hard as you can. You have to find its clue and untie it bit by bit. This is what I have learned through my own experiences. I must say that I also have a time when I felt that I didn’t want to live anymore.

Haian: Do you think you are more optimistic and stronger after you come to the Netherlands?

Ms. Hu: I have to be strong because people are watching me.

Haian: Who is watching you?

Ms. Hu: My children and my family, they need me, so you must be strong to show them.

Haian: Thank you for sharing with us.


I have reached retirement age. Due to the fact that I owe a lot of money in my country, I have no choice but to come to the Netherlands to find a job. The money I owe is for the tuition fees of my child. If I don’t work abroad, the life of my child and I would be very difficult. Even though I had a job in China, the salary was so meager that I couldn’t afford anything. I came to the Netherlands mainly for the future of my child. It is true that Chinese parents always think for their children.

The travel fees to come to the Netherlands cost 11,000 euros.  When I left China, I was very confused and scared. I was also worried if I would be able to find a job smoothly. My journey coming here was tough and full of risks. However, with the help of my friends, I managed to arrive safely. I also found a stable job shortly after and I have a reasonable work condition. Despite my long working hours, I think it is worth it. When we see hope in our life, hard work is not an issue anymore.

My dream is to pay off the debt and retire with a peace of mind. I feel so much more relaxed now compared to before coming here, just because I see hope in my life.

Since I am not young anymore and my health is not the best, I plan to go back to my country in two or three years time.

I did not regret coming here, the Netherlands gave me hope!


The reason of leaving China was not to earn money but to run away from my marriage. Due to family and societal pressure, I could not divorce my partner even though there was no feelings any more. In my generation, divorce was not socially acceptable.
The first time I left China was to go to a Mediterranean country. I was promised by the organiser that I was going to run a small business in my country of destination. Soon after I arrived, I realised that it was a scam. Their so-called business was indeed selling our body for money. In fact, many people were cheated into doing sex work this way. As a result, I decided to return to China after a few days.
Not long after I came back to China, I left for Europe again through the contact of a friend. I paid € 9.000 for the journey fees. Originally I was going to Spain, but no one came to pick us up at Paris airport and I couldn’t get in touch with the organiser again.
In the end, I paid money to another organisation to bring me to the Netherlands. Life was very difficult when I first came here. I also ‘bought’ my first job. My life improved when I slowly met more friends and found work.
The Netherlands is a stable country, there is not a lot of pressure in life. I like it here a lot. After being here for many years, I feel that I have integrated into the life here. I left China to run away from an unhappy marriage, to find peace. That is why I have never thought of going home.
I have been a good resident during my time here and I have never done anything illegal. I hope one day the Dutch government will accept me and give me a residency.


I am a Chinese man of over forty years old and have lived illegally in the Netherlands for around twenty years. I did not have much education. I suffer from diabetes. I cannot return to China because I do not have a Chinese passport and can no longer apply for it. After 15 years away from China, you will be removed from the system and you no longer exist in China. I applied for asylum in the Netherlands in 2007, but this was rejected. I did not have proofs of my arrival in the Netherlands in the form of a plane ticket or an old passport since everything was arranged by the smuggler. He also took back the passport with which I travelled to the Netherlands, so that he could use it again for someone else.
Illegality and exclusion will now follow me until death. I cannot go anywhere. In the past it was still easy to find work. Now everyone is scared because it is strictly controlled and you can get very high fines as an employer to hire illegal workers. I am no longer working and I am sick again. There is no future for me in both China and here. I live without hope every day. I try to make the best of it, but that is not easy. There are many Chinese in the Netherlands with the same fate as me.